The scholarship covers the full tuition fees of the MA for the two years provided the applicant shows adequate academic abilities and obtains a final grade of 63 or above after the first year. The overall value of the scholarship is £16,400.

The scholarship is intended for an academically outstanding student with a special interest in the collections of the Soane Museum who would like to write a dissertation on the collections kept at the Soane covering the following areas:

  • Soane’s collection of architectural drawings
  • Soane’s architectural commissions

IESA - Sir John Soane’s Museum Scholarship

Sir John Soane’s Museum:

The architect Sir John Soane’s house, museum and library at No. 13 Lincoln’s Inn Fields has been a public museum since the early 19th century. In 1833 Soane negotiated an Act of Parliament to settle and preserve the house and collection for the benefit of ‘amateurs and students’ in architecture, painting and sculpture. On his death in 1837 the Act came into force, vesting the Museum in a board of Trustees who were to continue to uphold Soane’s own aims and objectives. A crucial part of their brief was to maintain the fabric of the Museum, keeping it ‘as nearly as circumstances will admit in the state’ in which it was left at the time of Soane’s death in 1837 and to allow free access for students and the public to ‘consult, inspect and benefit’ from the collections. Since 1837, each successive Curator has sought to preserve and maintain Soane’s arrangements as he wished. 

For more information, please visit:

Method of Application:

To be considered applicants must first apply for the MA and complete the application process. They should also have been offered a place on the MA. The initial cover letter should show your intention of applying for the Scholarship. Please send it to Marie Cambefort-Tavinor, explaining why you think you are the right candidate for this scholarship. You will then be asked to show further evidence of your research and writing skills either by sending a dissertation or an assessed piece of work. If the essay or dissertation is in a foreign language (i.e. a language other than English) you must submit a summarised translation of 4,000 words.

The deadline for the scholarship application is June 15, 2015. The final decision will be taken by a committee and you may be asked to attend an interview either in person or via Skype during the final week of June.  Applicants will be notified on July 2nd 2015.