Come to Paris this July and join our Summer Session course:
About the course
Summer session includes 3 modules taught by our expert faculty: Art Market in Paris, Masterpieces of French Art, and French Language and Culture.
Art Market in Paris taught by Daniel Lesbaches (bio)
From 1989 to 1991 I worked at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Lyon, in charge of preparing the exhibitions.
Then, from 1992 to 2002, I worked in private galleries in Paris, gaining a good knowledge both of the institutional reception of Contemporary and its market.
Since 2003 I have been teaching Art History (Modern and Contemporary Art) in different institutions, such as: IESA (36 Semesters), the Paris Program of Boston University (24 Semesters), Boston College (2 Semesters), and Centre d’Études d’Histoire de l’Art, Chatou (4 Semesters), in English or French.
Besides I have curated exhibitions in private institutions and often write texts on artists for press releases and catalogs.

The Art Market in Paris - 4 ECTS (34 hours)
Late morning lectures Tuesdays & Thursdays; afternoon site visits
•Week 1: The Salon and the End of the Salon Monopoly / The Rise of the Dealer from the 19th to 21st Century: Visits to the Musée Carnavalet; walking tour of 19th century gallerist shops; contemporary dealers on the left bank
•Week 2: The state as the main collector and patron of contemporary art: the Salon in Paris: Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris. The French State and the development of the private market: the second Empire / Goupil.
•Week 3: The rise of the Dealer: The Impressionists / Durand-Ruel, Orsay (and his donators): the first collectors of Impressionist. The market at the crossroads: international exhibitions and dealers (Vollard/ Kahnweiller)
Visit: coll. Paul Guillaume at the Orangerie International collectors of the avant-garde in Paris: from Impressionism to Fauvism
•Week 4: Collecting primitive arts: the pioneers (Paul Guillaume, Barnes in Paris, artists). A contemporary collection at the Louis Vuitton foundation. A new generation of dealers: Denise René and Iris Clert.
Visit: Denise René gallery, Jean Fournier
•A market after American monopoly ? French dealers and collectors today. Visit: Galleries
Masterpieces of Art taught by professor David Mandrella (bio):
David Mandrella holds a doctorate in art history and specializes in Northern European painting.
His monograph Jacob Van Loo has become an authority in the art world. He shares his passion for drawing and engraving with students at the Institut d'études supérieures des arts (IESA Arts & Culture). Various major museums call upon his expertise to study or present their collections.
His courses focus on drawing, engraving, and painting from the 16th to the 18th century. He also collaborates with museums by preparing articles and conferences, such as the one on Jérôme Bosch in Reims at the end of September. I also participated in the exhibition on princely portraits at the Palais du Luxembourg.

Masterpieces of French Art - 4 ECTS (34 hours)
Late morning lectures Mondays & Wednesdays; afternoon site visits
•Week 1: The Ancien Regime – Louis XIV & The Art / French art in the 18th Century: Visits to the Louvre and the Jacquemart-André Museum (a 19th century evocation of the ancient regime)
•Week 2: the Arts of the 19th Century – The Age of the Romantics / Realism & the reform of Art: Visits to the Musée Delacroix and Musée d’Orsay
•Week 3: Paris & the Beginnings of Modern Art – The Impressionists & their Successors / The Beginning of the Modern: Visits to the Musée Marmottan, Orangerie and Centre Pompidou
•Week 4: Modern and Contemporary Movements – Paris between the Wars / Contemporary Paris: Visits to Centre Pompidou.
French Language & Culture:
French Language - 4 ECTS (32 hours)
Mornings/ Monday – Thursday from 9h00-11h00 am
•French for Beginners (100)
•Intermediate (201)