I started this MBA program without an extensive arts background but knew that my passion lays in performing arts and that I wanted to apply my business skills to this field. 

The Master in Arts & Cultural Management has allowed me to do exactly that while also gaining insight and experience within the arts industry. During my studies, I learned a lot from my professors and fellow international students, both inside and outside of class and on our trips to meet professionals from various cultural hubs. 

One of the highlights of my time in the program was working on the final project with my team. In 2022, we organised a multidisciplinary event that combined the organ, a soprano, and several short films. Collaborating on this event with my classmates was a great way to utilize the skills I had learned through this program.

I am currently completing my internship at UNESCO and am excited to apply the knowledge and expertise I gained during my MBA program to my work. This program has prepared me for success in the cultural industry, and I cannot wait to see where my journey takes me.

Discover more about our Arts programs here.